
august 31, 2010
Oare? A disparut odata cu venirea toamnei
Odata cu ploile sufletului,
Odata cu soarele ce a plecat
Si totul a devenit atat de trist, de neinduplecat!
Stropi prelinsi… frunze neverzi
In noapte de vant rupte si cazute,
Adiere! in departare duse
Amintiri la suflet puse!
Neincredere?! Si-o lacrima prelinsa
Obrazul rece, stropul inghetat
In somn se refugiaza, vis uitat!

4 comentarii:

Flip ulB spunea...

Wow !!!
imi da o stare ciudata poezia ta, nu stiu daca de vina este empatia sau pur si simplu nu am reusit sa inteleg nimic, dar percep HAOS si ALTERNANTE OBSCURE...
Am incercat sa ma agat de titlu ca de un colac de slavare, dar am esuat lamentabil, m-ai pierdut...

Florena spunea...


Cum am mai spus, jocul de cuvinte spune ceea ce simt si este greu de inteles, recunosc! Dar cumva ai pornit bine de la titlu, la o adica "neincrederea" a disparut odata cu toate cele ce au aparut, toate cele ce au disparut!

Roger Gauthier spunea...

Hello Florence,

You speak Rumanian, I only speak French (and English), my loss. I translated your poems with Google Translator (poor job...) and could feel the power of your poetry. And also possibly an inherent sadness.

I will come back and look at your photos, and comment more.

May Life be kind to you.


PS: I am trying to become a Follower to your blog, but I am lost to my eyes in this beautiful language that is Rumanian... But I will be back!

Florena spunea...

Hi Roger!
Thank you for visiting! Comment moved me very much and thanks much for him! I wait for you! Many happy returns to your back!

All the best,