In intunericul noptii somnul n-a venit
M-am rasucit in asternut, pe cand in suflet a fost meci
Timpul in loc s-a oprit, as putea spune ca a intepenit
Si ceea ce ma faci sa simt... gandurile au fost zeci.
Nu cred in mine, nu cred in ceea ce tot spun
Sunt un fir de praf in interiorul unei nebunii totale
Si nu-mi doresc nici sa intreb, nici macar nu presupun
Cu gandul acolo, pasii pribegi sunt agale.
Mi-e sufletul tandari si inima a luat foc
De la vapaia de amintiri nebune si greu de stins
Cum sa fac sa fiu prezenta in acel loc?
Candva posibil, in prezent de neatins.
4 comentarii:
Belo texto...Espectacular....
Thank you very much Fernando! :)
I seem to have missed several of your last posts, Florena.
I have read your last poems through the horrendous Google Translate, it took me some time to be sure of the real meaning of them. It was well worth the effort. I wish I could feel the true language-related poetry, the untranslatable part. This is a loss we all suffer because of languages.
I wanted to tell you… how sad, though beautiful, but how sad your poetry is these days! I suffer for you because there is always a part of us in what we do, we cannot escape that.
I hope Life is good for you, Florena.
Thank you very much! Thanks for your care and try to understand! Unfortunately my lyrics are always full of sorrow ... But I keep smiling despite these spiritual sadness.
All the best Roger!
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